maandag 4 juni 2012

A Portrait for Pak Teeuw

At the occasion of his 85th Birthday, 12 August 2006, a book was prepaired for Prof. Hans Teeuw under the title Een Milde Regen  (A Mild Rain). For this occasion I asked for a portrait of Hans Teeuw by G. M. Sudarto, the cartoonist of the newspaper Kompas. He pictured Pak Teeuw with a lontar manuscript in his right hand for his knowledge of Old Javanese and a laptop in his left hand, indicating his modernity.

I also asked Gabriel Possenti Sindhunata, Jesuit Priest and Editor of the literary journal Basis to write a wuku, a horoscope, or mystical portrait of Hans Teeuw, as he used to do of public figures. The following was the result. The Engelish translation is by Dr. Simon Rae, now in New Zealand:

Prof. Dr. Andries  Teeuw
Lahir di Gorinchem (Gorkum)
12 Agustus 1921

Nilai A bulan Agustus = 153
Nilai B tahun 1921 Masehi = 44
Nilai C = A + B + 12 =  209

Nilai C di bawah 210 jatuh pada 209,
ketemu  hari Jumat (6) Kliwon (8), neptu = 14.
Wuku ke-XXX: Watugunung

Di mana pun ia berpijak
hidupnya selalu mengalir bijak
karena ia disangga daya seekor naga
Sang Hyang Antaboga
di kedalaman bumi yang gelap gulita.
Pengorbanan dewa naga
menjadi terang di pelupuk matanya.

Bagai resi yang ingin suci dengan bertapa
ia suka mencari sunyi dengan bekerja
daun-daun dengan teliti diperiksanya
seakan di sana tersembunyi sejuta rahasia
dari kayu Wijayakusuma
tempat ia menyandarkan keprihatinannya.

Burung Gogik terbang di langitnya yang kelabu
membawa dia menghadap Batara Guru
dihantarkannya dia menyepi dari candi ke candi
diajarinya dia mengupas hidup dari sandi ke sandi.

Baginya hidup ini adalah naskah bagaikan lautan
dan ia adalah seorang nelayan
yang menjaring kata-kata bagaikan menjala ikan.
Sejuta ikan di laut
berjuta kata di dalam hidup
tapi tak satu pun mencakup
kerinduannya yang seluas laut.
Maka dilepaskannyalah ikan-ikan
dituturkannyalah kata-kata
ia yang kaya dengan kata
menjadi miskin karena kata
ia lalu menjadi pengemis kata-kata
sampai kata-kata sendiri menelan habis hidupnya:
ia adalah nelayan kata-kata
jalanya terkoyak habis oleh kata-kata.
Di hidupnya yang telah senja
kata-kata itu adalah misteri mina
ia akan mati bila ia bekerashati memeganginya.
Biarkan ikan bebas di laut
biarkan kata-kata bebas di dalam hidup
dan hidupnya pun dibebaskan oleh kata
bagaikan ikan yang tak lagi dapat dijala.

Ia bisa menghancurkan dirinya
karena Batara Kala menghuni di hatinya
Maka dengan segala upaya, Kala dijadikannya kala
maka waktu pun terhampar menjadi hampa
diisinya waktu dengan kata
maka kala berubah jadi kata
Kala Kata, Kata Kala
Kala Kata, Kata Kala
Kala Kata , Kata Kala
Enyahlah kau, hai Dewa Kala
Begitulah ia telah meruwat Kala menjadi kata.
Jadilah sekarang ia pendeta kata
yang disucikan oleh kata
dan murah hati dengan kata.

Adalah banaspati di awang-awang hidupnya
adalah api yang menyala di hatinya
adalah ketidaksabaran yang berkobar dalam dirinya.
Mengapa banaspati keluar di waktu malam
dan api makin menyala dalam kegelapan?
Ia pun berguru pada rembulan.
Kali ini ia hanya bisa berdiam.
Tanpa kata.
Diam seribu bahasa.
Malam pun bertaburan dengan kata-kata
Dan bulan hanya menjadi sebuah kata
kendati bulan adalah Kata, raja diraja dari kata-kata.
Ia pun makin diam, tunduk pada malam kata-kata.
Di akhir hidupnya, tak lagi ia mempunyai kata
Meski seumur hidupnya ia adalah pencari kata-kata.


 Perhitungan wuku didasarkan pada cara perhitungan Pradiko Reksopranoto, “Menemukan Wuku berdasar Hari/Tanggal Kalender Masehi”, dlm.: Almanak Dewi Sri yang bersengkalan “Ngesthi Suka Trusing Sabangsa” (1978). 

Translation by Dr. Simon Rae, Dunedin

Wherever he stands
his life always flows with wisdom
because he is supported by the strength of a dragon
Sang Hyang[1] Antaboga[2]
in the pitch-black depths of the earth.
The sacrifice of the divine naga
becomes light in his eyes.   

Like a hermit who seeks holiness through an ascetic life
he likes to seek quietness by working,
lontar leaves with great care he examines
in case there are hidden there a million secrets
from a branch of Wijayakusuma[3]
the place to which he commits his cares.

The Gogik bird flies in the grey skies
bearing him to present himself before Lord Shiva,
he brings him to seek a place of retreat from shrine to shrine,
he teaches him to peel life bare from joint to joint.

For him this life is a document like an ocean
and he is a fisher
who filters out words as one nets fish.
A million fish in the sea
millions of words in life
but not even one catches
his longing as wide as the sea. 
So then he releases the fish
words were spoken by him,
he who is rich in words
becomes poor because of words
he had become at last a words beggar
up to the point where words themselves swallow up his life:
he is a fisher of words
his casting net was torn to pieces by words.
In his life that was already approaching dusk
these words are a fishy mystery
he will die if he persists in holding on to them.
Let the fish be free in the sea
let the words be free in life
and life itself will be set free by words
like fish that can no longer by netted.

He is able to destroy himself
because the Lord Kala[4] dwells in his heart
so then by every means he turns Kala into time [kala][5]
so that time itself is spread out to become empty
time[waktu] he fills with words
so that time [kala] becomes word[kata]
Kala Kata, Kata Kala
Time Word, Word Time
Kala Kata, Kata Kala
Time Word, Word Time
Kala Kata, Kata Kala
Time Word, Word Time
Be off, I tell you divine Kala
in this way he has already exorcised Kala who became a word [kata].
So it came about that now he is a word pandit
who is sanctified by words
and generous with words.

There is a ghost[6] in the heights[7] of his life
there is fire that flames up in his heart
there is an impatience that flares up inside him.
Why is it that the banaspati (ghost) comes out at night
and fire burns brighter in the darkness?
He also goes to the moon[8] to learn.
This time he can only keep silent.
Without a word.
Silent in a thousand languages.
Night itself is scattered with words
and the moon becomes no more than a word.
Although the moon is Kata, king of kings among words.
Even he becomes more silent, bowing his head to the night of words.
At the close of his life, he no longer has words
although all his life he was one who looked for words.

[1] Sang Hiang: honorific for a god.
[2] Antaboga: A great snake with supernatural powers
[3] Wijayakusuma: Skt ‘bunga kemenangan’, ‘the victory flower’ believed to have supernatural power to revive the dead.
[4] Kala: the god Shiva appearing as an agent of age and death.
[5] Kala is Old Javanese from Skt kâla = Indon. waktu = time.
[6] Banaspati: Skt a ghost of the forest
[7] Awang-awang: the space between the sky (langit) and the earth (bumi)’.
[8] rembulan: ‘Javanese: moon’.  The Indonesian word, bulan, is used a few lines later.

 In 2006 there was no room for these portraits in the Memorial Book, but I am happy to put it here on the Internet for all friends who want to remember him.

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